Homebirth in Bavaria
Homebirth is may also be an option for American women in Germany. Tricare Select will cover the cost for a midwife supported homebirth partially. It is important that the mother is already enrolled in Tricare select when she decides to hire a homebirth midwife.
The midwife will meet with the expecting parents to get to know them, explain the process and what the care during and after birth will look like. The cost for midwifery care depends on the extent of services contracted. The mother may be seen by an OBGYN during the pregnancy and still hire a midwife for her homebirth and after care.
This is the current list (November 2020) of birth centers and midwives in the area surrounding the USAG Bavaria that support home births. Most of the midwives will drive up to 100-150km. Some of the birth centers offer a home birth option as well. If you are interested in a homebirth, please contact the birthing center or midwife for further information. Doulas of Bavaria does not work for or in partnership with any of the medical professionals or birthing establishments listed below. This list is solely for informational purposes to allow families to make informed decisions about their care. Doulas of Bavaria does not guarantee satisfaction with the care you receive, nor do we make recommendations as to which services to use.
Should you desire doula support for your homebirth, please contact us to interview our doulas.
BIRTH CENTERS (*also supports home birth)
*Nueremberg - freiRaum (Emma Ilnizkij and 0151-40387580 and Xenia Hasenschwanz 0170-5404264)
Lauf an der Pegnitz - Geburtshaus Lauf (Ina Russner 09123-83253 or 0171-6212481 and Veronika Braeunig-Lembke 09151-7780 or 0174-992436)
*Ammerndorf - Geburtshaus Niketan (Liane Borsdorf 09127-903013
*Bayreuth - Geburtshaus Bayreuth (Friederike Engelen 0176-56236156 and Cordula Hartl 0179-5059119)
Ingolstadt - Geburtshaus Ingolstadt (Sabine Schmuck 0841-9937900 or 0171-6546414)
*Erlangen - Geburtshaus Erlangen (09131-9350180)
Nuremberg: Andrea Friedel 0171-6445950
Ingolstadt: Hebammenpraxis Gabriele Schlesinger 0841-9937273
Bayreuth: Cordula Hartl 0921-16307646